7 Weeks to Change Your Life!

Happy Birthday to a new book: Sabbath Simplified. I’ve been talking excitedly about Sabbath for years. I see those who most need my advice are least likely to pick up a book to discover the key to enlivening the spiritual life. So I invite readers to a DIY retreat.

Each week for seven weeks, give this book half an hour. That’s enough time to read, let the week’s metaphor sink in, meditate on the Scriptural connection, and reflect on small, doable ways to sneak this enormous gift into your life. What will dawn on you gradually is the power of Sabbath practice to give you deep rest and expand your freedom.

God has plans to prosper you, not to force you to keep your Sabbath the same way anyone else does. As you exercise the power to choose freely and wisely how to respond to the call of the Eucharistic Sabbath, you will grow in awe of this life-giving and little known pool of refreshment.

There are really seven weeks of deep, restorative rest available to you, hidden within each calendar year. Let me show you how to find them!


Holy Leisure is the Key!


Going Home Empty Handed