7 Weeks to Change Your Life!
Take a half hour each week for a quick retreat. These are 7 weeks that really will change your life!
Going Home Empty Handed
Prodigality has two meanings:
to fritter away your riches and to give generously of them.
The Wonder of Mail
Isn’t mail a marvel? That someone is tasked with the solemn duty of conveying your thoughts to me! That for pennies my missive flies to you through an unseen network of hands, scales, sorting machines, rolling bins, airplanes and trucks! And against what odds!?!
Will Heaven Be Boring?
In case you thought you’d be twiddling your thumbs for eternity, here are a few thoughts about how I plan to spend that time-out-of-time.
The Highest Freedom
By the free and conscious act of courtesy, we may fill a simple human form with the glory of God and help to reweave the context of human being.
Notes on the Use of Things
“Among sacramental, blessings (of persons, meals, objects and places) come first.” (CCC 1671) “Sacramentals…prepare us to receive grace and dispose us to cooperate with it. …There is scarcely any proper use of material things which cannot be thus directed toward the sanctification of men and the praise of God.” (CCC 1670)
Practice the Presence of Persons
I’m beginning to think we need more conscious practice for being present to persons.
Though I know that you are a deep mystery and a unique, unrepeatable reality, you enter my space as an object in the environment and I often do not register your presence at all.
Get Down, Get Pithy
When a child asks “Where do babies come from?” he may just be wondering if the new one can be exchanged, or he may need a simple reassurance that he came ‘from Mommy’ and not from toxic slime as his older brother insists. Experienced parents know what he probably does not want is a long, technical explanation accompanied by slides and illustrations. Restraint is often the better part of apologetics as well.
What to Do in a Crisis
Once upon a time, during what felt like a huge crisis, I received some great advice.
Since then, I’ve remembered it by way of the phrase, “Not a ‘crisis’, but a ‘life task’”.
Live Like This
Live so completely immersed in the Faith that you must be in a life support suit to go out into the world. Live so deeply embedded in Catholic culture that you are a living artifact of that culture wherever you interact with others – your gestures, collar, habits of speech, prayer before meals reveal your home of origin. Live so fully in kairos that chronos does not limit the scope of your being.