Live Like This

Just thinking about how I want to live…

Live so completely immersed in the Faith that you must be in a life support suit to go out into the world.

Live so deeply embedded in Catholic culture that you are a living artifact of that culture wherever you interact with others – your gestures, collar, habits of speech, prayer before meals reveal your home of origin.

Live so fully in kairos that chronos does not limit the scope of your being.

Live so richly in Catholic community that your tribe goes into the world with you – at your back when you encounter enemies; at the service of those you serve.

Live so well-ordered to the Truth that you cannot be deceived.

Live in such need of grace that you cannot take a step without prayer.

Live in such tender awareness of pain that your heart is a fountain of mercy.

Live with such bubbling joy that you seem a foolish, childish, strangely attractive person to those who don’t know the secret of your Source.

Live with such keen perception of beauty that the world becomes a wonderland, and the distressing disguises of the persons around you cannot hide Christ.

Let the word of God dwell in you so richly that it resounds in your sounding and is realized in your becoming.


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